明尼苏达州城市手册 is your comprehensive resource for laws affecting Minnesota city governments.


了解不同类型的地方澳门网络娱乐游戏平台, 包括城市, 城镇, 县, 并对湖泊等特殊地区进行整治, 特殊服务, 水土保持, 分水岭, 学校, 区域发展委员会, 和市政局. Understand the relationship of local governments to the state and federal governments.

第二章: 更改边界、状态和名称

学习合并的程序, 巩固, and dissolving cities and the related procedures of annexation and concurrently detaching from one city and annexing into another. Understand the role of the state’s Municipal Boundary Adjustment Unit in these processes.

第三章: 法定城市

Minnesota law provides for two basic types of cities: statutory cities operating under the statutory city code, 以及在地方宪章下运作的地方自治特许城市. 了解法定城市的组织和一般权力, 这个州最常见的城市类型.

第四章: 地方自治宪章市

了解成立地方自治宪章城市的权力, 特许城市权力及其组织方式. Contrast charter cities to those operating under the statutory city code. 的se broad categories are the two basic types of city organization available in Minnesota.

第五章: 选举程序

概述选举程序, 通知, 投票要求, 选举法官的资格和培训, 以及投票和点票程序. 链接到样本表格和更多来自国务卿. 同时了解选民居住和资格, absentee voting and voter registration; eligibility for city office candidacy, 候选人如何申报和退出, 竞选财务报告和公平的竞选实践.

第六章: 民选官员和理事会的结构和作用

了解市政委员会在城市治理中的作用, 包括任职资格, 理事会权力vs个别理事会成员角色, 以及议会权力的授权. Learn about the special roles of the mayor and clerk and use of both independent and advisory boards and commissions.

第七章: 会议、动议、决议及条例

Review requirements city councils must follow when conducting meetings and public hearings, 例如《澳门网络娱乐游戏平台》及其例外, 记录和发布会议记录, 以及议会程序. 学会什么时候使用动作, 决议, or an ordinance to do city business and the procedures required for each.

第八章: 城市行政人员

了解不同城市官员的职责, 任职资格的要求, 还有办公室不相容的问题.

第九章: 公职人员的工作条件

Learn about the protections required for worker safety by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), as well as employee benefits in case of work-related injuries that must be provided under state workers’ compensation law. Limits and protections for employee political activity are also included.

第十章: 城市的许可

了解牌照的基本概念,如市政当局, 宪法问题, 优先购买权和费用. 了解持牌活动,如酒类, 动物, 小贩, 企业, 电讯及其他.

第十一章: 城市监管职能

Authority to regulate various activities in the city comes from state law. Learn about the activities most commonly regulated and licensed by cities such as lawful gambling, 速度限制, 交通违规, 停车规定, 公用事业公司, 宵禁, 闲逛, 露天焚烧, 噪音, 淫秽, 和其他人.

第十二章: 公共安全和应急管理

了解城市如何通过法规保护公共安全, 例如采用和执行国家建筑法规, 并提供警察之类的服务, 消防或救护车. Learn about preparing for and carrying out emergency functions to prevent, minimize and repair injury and damage from disasters such as flooding or tornadoes.

第十三章: 综合规划、土地利用和市属土地

Learn about land use ordinances to establish zoning and subdivision regulations, 和城市土地征用通过奉献, 谈判和征用权. Regulations and acquisition are the two basic methods of city land use control.

第十四章: 社区发展及重建

Learn about the requirements for a city to establish criteria for awarding business subsidies and various development agencies cities may create. Find an overview of state and federally sponsored programs for encouraging development and redevelopment. 大多数经济发展工具可以适用于任何规模的城市. 的se tools are interrelated, and a city may use several for one project.

第十五章: 环境法规

了解最重要的环境法规, 许多是州法律法规要求的, and the opportunities you have to help protect and improve your city’s natural resources by protecting state waters, 水的质量, 观察管道安全, 调整农药, 和更多的. Connect this information with your efforts on community development when considering implementation.

第十六章: 澳门网络娱乐游戏平台间合作

Understand city powers and processes to promote cooperation between governments such as contracting, 联合权力法案, 土地利用规划及区域发展, city extra-territorial powers and banding with others in local government associations. Collaboration accomplishes more for cities with complex responsibilities and shrinking resources.

第十七章: 责任 

Understand city exposure to lawsuits and the state statutes and judicial decisions that limit liability. 论城市侵权责任, 军官, and employees; statutory immunities; exceptions and limits to liability; and special causes of action, 比如民权和反托拉斯.

第十八章: 保险及损失控制

Insurance helps pay lawful claims and can provide a defense when meritless claims are made. 了解基本保险和专业保险, 忠诚和忠实履约保证书, 保险来源, 和更多的. Understand how loss control measures—the ongoing process of analyzing and responding to hazards—can reduce the likelihood that injuries will occur and claims will be made.

第十九章: 收入来源

Learn about major sources of revenue for cities you can consider in developing and implementing a city budget. 例子包括国家援助计划, 城市服务收费, 牌照及许可证费用, 投资收入, 市企业基金, 税, 街道和高速公路资金, 还有借款选择.

第20章: 市政预算

Learn the characteristics of city budgets as a work plan and communication tool. 了解预算周期和结构, 城市收入的来源, 典型开支类别, 以及对多年支出的规划, 像基础设施, 有单独的资本预算. 了解会计准则和税务真相对预算的影响.

21章 物业税征费

Learn about the city’s authority to tax and the role of the property tax process. Understand the property tax process, including assessment, valuation, and classification of property. 阅读征费限额, 税务申报程序(税务真相), and tax differential treatment for special categories of land such as rural preserve lands, 特殊服务区, 对兼并或合并的土地征税.

22章 支出、采购和合同

Learn about state laws regulating disbursement of public funds such as competitive bidding requirements, 最佳价值和紧急合同, 建筑合同, contracting with other governmental entities and purchasing consultant services. Get guidance on the city official prohibition against having a personal financial interest in city contracts.

23章 债务与借贷

Find information on the legal aspects of debt and borrowing such as laws governing bonds, 偿债基金, 以及联邦法律的影响. Read also practical suggestions about the administration of capital financing programs and descriptions of how the process actually works.

24章 资助改善公共设施

Read about commonly used and authorized financing tools for cities to fund local improvements and economic development. 包括关于发行债务的讨论, 储备基金, 改善和特殊服务区, 费用及接驳费, 以及州和联邦公路和桥梁的资金来源, 等.

25章 财务报告、会计和审计

Find basic information routine financial tasks and duties cities must perform such as use of funds in accounting, 内部控制程序, 财务报告要求, 联邦和州的审计要求以及如何有效地使用它们, 市资存管及投资, 城市破产.

26章 记录管理

定义公共记录并概述记录管理问题, 包括创建, 保留, 销毁记录, 公众查阅纪录, 还有隐私权. Understand management concepts for electronic records such as email, text messages, and websites. 了解元数据、安全性、备份和灾难恢复.